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Medigap Comparison
Interested in a Medicare Supplement plan but want to compare your options first? Look no further! Our Medigap Comparison tool allows us to collect your information and process it to give you a variety of options that are customized to you and your needs.
IMPORTANT: Medicare charges a late enrollment penalty to anyone that does/did not enroll in a drug plan within their Initial Enrollment Period for Medigap. For Information on the penalty, refer to Medigap in the Medicare & You Handbook (click here to view) or go to Medicare.gov.
I understand that the PDP analysis and plan suggestion by an My Medicare University representative will be based solely on the medications and information listed on this electronic RX Plan Profile form. I also understand that based on the drugs I take, the recommended prescription plan may have a deductible.
By providing this information, I agree to be contacted by an authorized representative or licensed insurance agent to answer questions and provide additional information about Medicare Advantage, Part D or Medicare Supplement Insurance plans.